Sunday 18 January 2015

RagaSudha iPhone/iPad App

An iPhone/iPad App to play Hindustani and Carnatic Ragas.

RagaSudha is for those who have listened to Indian classical music, learnt of some of its intricacies and complexities and are afraid to tread further, for fear of making mistakes. RagaSudha simplifies playing ragas and can even free up the artist among the more proficient of you. You will be able to play ragas you have not heard of without hitting a wrong note!!! Come explore Indian Ragas without fear, find and spread the joy.

We plan to progressively give you more features to help you in your journey of exploring Indian music. 

Write to us and help us improve at

Coming soon:
More and many more Ragas with demos
Look up data bases – Ragas and Compositions
Talas/ Bol
Record, play, share

Compare Ragas